Beyond the Keyboard: Unlocking Special Characters with HTML Entities

Beyond the Keyboard: Unlocking Special Characters with HTML Entities

When browsing a website, you might encounter special characters like ©, ®, , , $, £, ¥, and many others. You may wonder how they magically appear on the screen since you can't type them on a standard keyboard. These magical characters, which later transform into familiar symbols, are called HTML entities.

This article will discuss what HTML entities are and why we should always use them, providing some examples along the way.

What are HTML Entities?

HTML entities are special codes that represent characters with specific meanings. These special characters transform into the actual symbols or characters you want to see when the webpage is displayed, like © becoming © when the page displays.

HTML entities begin with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). These are written in the form &entity_name;, where "entity_name" represents a mnemonic name for the character. For example, the HTML entity for the trademark (™) symbol is ™.

Why Use HTML Entities?

While it's tempting to simply copy-paste special characters, resist the urge. Using HTML entities offers several advantages. These advantages include:

  • Consistency across devices: With HTML entities, forget about inconsistent display across devices. HTML entities ensure everyone sees your work exactly as you intended, preserving your message's clarity.

  • Enhanced Accessibility: Accessibility goes beyond appearance. HTML entities ensure screen readers accurately interpret your content. Using entities like © guarantees readers hear "copyright" instead of confusing code, making the online experience better for everyone.

  • Search Engine Optimization: engines value precision and specifics. Using HTML entities for symbols, currency, or Greek letters signals high-quality content and may boost your website's ranking.

The table below shows some common HTML entities:

&lt;Less Than<
&gt;Greater Than>
&nbsp;Non-Breaking Space
&reg;Registered Trademark®
&uarr;Up Arrow
&darr;Down Arrow
&middot;Middle Dot·
&eacute;E with Acute Accenté


Check out these resources for further learning about HTML entities:


This article goes beyond showcasing the surface beauty of HTML entities. These special codes guarantee the consistent, accessible, and precise display of unique characters across all web pages. By using HTML entities, you not only enhance accessibility for diverse users but also contribute to better search engine optimization, potentially boosting your website's ranking and online visibility. You can check out the resources provided to learn more about HTML entities.